Things I’ve Seen and Heard

Third Quarter Financial Statements

In the bulletin this weekend you will find the financial statements for the two parishes of the Pastoral Region.  These statements reflect our financial activity through March 31st, which is the end of the third quarter if the Fiscal Year which runs July 1st through June 30th. (Links below)

As you can see from the statements, our overall revenues are up in both parishes, which is good news.  We have brought in more in Sunday offerings and holy day offerings and through other sources of revenue than we were anticipating when the budget was formulated last spring.  Our expenses are slightly higher at St. Al’s versus what we budgeted to this pint in the year, and at St. Simon those expenses are significantly lower.  We have been looking for cuts in our expenses in both parishes in our day to day operations, and this has borne some fruit.  Also, some of the day to day operating expenses, where appropriate and where called for (such as for a Regional program or ministry where both parishes should support), are being shared/split between the parishes.  Where we continue to fall behind is in our capital expenditures.  We continue to be challenged by the deferred maintenance that needs to be done in both parishes.   For instance, at St. Simon we have had a great deal of trouble with our heating and air conditioning system in the church.  At St. Al’s, we continue to address water damage to thee buildings.  These maintenance costs have put both parishes in deficit territory for the fiscal year thus far.  It is also important to remember that both parishes also owe an outstanding debt to the Archdiocese of Cincinnati for assessment that was unpaid in previous years.  

Overall, I am pleased thus far with the operating performance of both parishes.  We will still be endeavoring to cut our expenses and live within our means.  We operate from the generous giving of the people who are attending Mass and dropping their envelope into the collection basket week after week, and from those who have chosen to give electronically.  Without your gifts, we would not be here.

I thank you, all of you, for your stewardship and generosity to the parishes of our Pastoral Region, and for the blessings those gifts of treasure, and also time and talent bring to the faith community here.

Take Good Care,

Fr. Bryan T. Reif, Pastor

St. Al’s Financial Statement

St. Simon’s Financial Statement